17 research outputs found

    Software Supply Chain Attribute Integrity (SCAI)

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    The Software Supply Chain Attribute Integrity, or SCAI (pronounced "sky"), specification proposes a data format for capturing functional attribute and integrity information about software artifacts and their supply chain. SCAI data can be associated with executable binaries, statically- or dynamically-linked libraries, software packages, container images, software toolchains, and compute environments. As such, SCAI is intended to be implemented as part of an existing software supply chain attestation framework by software development tools or services (e.g., builders, CI/CD pipelines, software analysis tools) seeking to capture more granular information about the attributes and behavior of the software artifacts they produce. That is, SCAI assumes that implementers will have appropriate processes and tooling in place for capturing other types of software supply chain metadata, which can be extended to add support for SCAI

    Estudio de la factibilidad en la formulación de una bebida a base de Alpiste (phalaris canariensis) con saborizante artificial para la viabilidad en la aceptación por parte de los consumidores, con sus respectivos análisis sensorial, microbiológico y bromatológico

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    El presente trabajo se basó en la formulación de una bebida a base de alpiste saborizada artificialmente para mejorar sus características organolépticas. La creación principal de ésta bebida es para ayudar a mejorar la salud de los consumidores debido a los múltiples beneficios que esta bebida puede brindar a personas que padezcan enfermedades como diabetes, hipertensión y sobrepeso. La metodología empleada en esta investigación es de carácter exploratoria, se formularon dos bebidas de las cuales se realizó un análisis sensorial para la prueba del producto, luego se utilizó un método de recolección de datos el cual fue ANOVA para determinar la fórmula ganadora a la cual se sometería a pruebas de laboratorio las cuales fueron análisis microbiológico y análisis bromatológico. Finalmente, con los resultados obtenidos en la investigación se considera muy factible la elaboración de la bebida a base de alpiste saborizada con cocoa, para el beneficio de personas que desean mejorar su calidad de vida siempre obteniendo nutrientes de una mejor manera como lo es esta fuente vegetal.Monografía presentada para optar al título de Ingeniero en Alimento

    ClaimChain: Improving the Security and Privacy of In-band Key Distribution for Messaging

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    The social demand for email end-to-end encryption is barely supported by mainstream service providers. Autocrypt is a new community-driven open specification for e-mail encryption that attempts to respond to this demand. In Autocrypt the encryption keys are attached directly to messages, and thus the encryption can be implemented by email clients without any collaboration of the providers. The decentralized nature of this in-band key distribution, however, makes it prone to man-in-the-middle attacks and can leak the social graph of users. To address this problem we introduce ClaimChain, a cryptographic construction for privacy-preserving authentication of public keys. Users store claims about their identities and keys, as well as their beliefs about others, in ClaimChains. These chains form authenticated decentralized repositories that enable users to prove the authenticity of both their keys and the keys of their contacts. ClaimChains are encrypted, and therefore protect the stored information, such as keys and contact identities, from prying eyes. At the same time, ClaimChain implements mechanisms to provide strong non-equivocation properties, discouraging malicious actors from distributing conflicting or inauthentic claims. We implemented ClaimChain and we show that it offers reasonable performance, low overhead, and authenticity guarantees.Comment: Appears in 2018 Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES'18

    On how students of the first year at the Foreign Languages Department chose which major to study at the University of El Salvador

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    This study delves deeply into the decisions made by students when choosing to study a major in English language teaching and explores the reasoning behind them. We answer how students resolved to study this major, and what kind of information they received in order to understand how educated, suitable and informed their decision may have been. By any definition, professional success is what most students aspire upon enrolling to pursue a degree in university. Needless to say, students may experience various difficulties throughout their journey towards completing their studies in a major. Most students would often struggle to identify the relevant factors that may prevent them from performing as required. Some students may develop poorly due to various elements related specifically to the demands and characteristics of the major they chose(Cupani et al, 2004). In these sort of instances is when fields such as career election may prove to be a wider and more thorough process than most students seem to perceive when making the decision to enroll to a major. There are specific fields of research endeavored to understand why students choose a major and in turn help them identify which major may be more suitable or adequate for them. Areas such as that of career choice and students’ early development are sometimes overlooked due to a wide array of aspects. These aspects can go from simply not being aware Even though most students seem to be somewhat cautious when it comes to choosing a major, we need to realize that most of the process derives from the student’s perception of not only the major and its curriculum but also the implications that both may have towards his or her personal aspirations. We also need to present the issue of capabilities which in tandem with aspirations may become students’ pivotal characteristics to a good and well defined choice. Students who enroll into a major without being completely aware of the implications of choosing a career which is not entirely according to their capabilities, may often experience feelings of uneasiness and what they call “second thoughts” during their year as freshmen (Luis Porta, 2002). We are positive that the students who chose to pursue a major in the Foreign Language Department of El Salvador made the decision to study there based on all the previously mentioned points and taking them into account whether being aware of it or not. Studying students` decision to choose this specific degree, implicates approaching some areas that encompass their academic lives from beginning to end. Areas such as student profiling, and professional development are relevant and explored in this study. As a final note, we need to mention that in order to explore how students came to such decision, it is necessary the use of a dependable instrument that help us gather reliable information. Limitations presented are due to the fact that freshmen have a very limited schedule and demanding workload, we have designed an adequate and precise instrument to collect the required data

    SoK: Why Johnny Can't Fix PGP Standardization

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    Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) has long been the primary IETF standard for encrypting email, but suffers from widespread usability and security problems that have limited its adoption. As time has marched on, the underlying cryptographic protocol has fallen out of date insofar as PGP is unauthenticated on a per message basis and compresses before encryption. There have been an increasing number of attacks on the increasingly outdated primitives and complex clients used by the PGP eco-system. However, attempts to update the OpenPGP standard have failed at the IETF except for adding modern cryptographic primitives. Outside of official standardization, Autocrypt is a "bottom-up" community attempt to fix PGP, but still falls victim to attacks on PGP involving authentication. The core reason for the inability to "fix" PGP is the lack of a simple AEAD interface which in turn requires a decentralized public key infrastructure to work with email. Yet even if standards like MLS replace PGP, the deployment of a decentralized PKI remains an open issue

    Evaluación de la conveniencia clínica del uso del neuroestimulador de nervios periféricos en la técnica de bloqueo del plexo braquial vía axilar en cirugía de reducción abierta en miembros superiores, utilizando bupivacaina isobárica 0.5% y lidocaína al 2% en pacientes de 65 a 80 años de edad, Asa I y II en el mes de Abril 2019

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    Es de suma importancia el conocimiento de las técnicas clásicas del bloqueo y la anatomía de la región axilar y del plexo braquial que se pretende bloquear. El uso de técnicas de neuroestimulacion no excluye de ninguna manera, estos conocimientos, siendo importante conocer también los principios electro-fisiológicos, para lograr los mejores resultados con estos aparatos. Con el objetivo de explicar la mayor cantidad de fenómenos relacionados con esta técnica y sus características más salientes, revisaremos, desde el fundamento, el aparato, y su anatomía hasta la salida del impulso eléctrico; las agujas, el estímulo eléctrico, la distancia aguja nervio, el circuito, la interpretación de la respuesta nerviosa, la técnica y los anestésicos locales que utilizaremos para la infiltración y así poder realizar el bloqueo